Journal Article

Understanding the factors that contribute to Educator Flourishing

APA Citation: Rehal, B.,& van Nieuwerburgh, C. (2022). Understanding the factors that contribute to educator flourishing. International Journal of Wellbeing, 12(2), 36-87. 

Podcast with Growth Coaching International

Episode 8, Teacher Flourishing; what does this look like and how do we get there?

APA Citation: Rehal, B. & Reid, R. (Host). (2022, May 9). Brittany Rehal: Educators Flourishing (No. 36) [Audio podcast episode]. In Coaching in Education, Growth Coaching International

Podcast with Richard Reid

Episode 8, Teacher Flourishing; what does this look like and how do we get there?

APA Citation: Rehal, B. & Reid, R. (Host). (2021, January 15). Teacher Flourishing; what does this look like and how do we get there? (No. 8) [Audio podcast episode]. In Head Room.

Podcast with Tammy MacNeil

Episode 2, Teacher wellbeing.

APA Citation: Rehal, B. & MacNeil, T. (Host). (2019, June 10). Cultivating Environments that Promote Teacher Wellbeing (No. 2) [Video podcast episode]


5th Annual Applied Positive Psychology Symposium

APA Citation: Rehal, B. (2019). Building and Fostering a Positive Classroom Environment and Community. 5th Annual Positive Psychology Symposium (pp. 159-180).